Sunday afternoon, ten to one to be more precise. I got a message on my web log from my mum asking what happened in April. Made me indeed realise that it is ages ago I posted an update. But here it finally is.
Am listening to ‘Hey Dreamer’ of John Spillane. A Cork singer. Went to his show last Saturday. Was blown away once more. Made me realise again how important music is for me. Don’t know how to explain it without getting into clichés. But it is like I always get new energy after going to a good gig. Is for me the most ideal way to relax. Discovering new singers, great musicians,….I convinced one of my housemates last week to join me for the gig. Thomas, the French guy. Think he was quite impressed as well. He too was listening to the new CD nearly every day of last week. Told Thomas also about my “favourite all times”…..he borrowed some of his CD’s last week and insisted after listening to them that I order tickets as soon as possible for his next show. The sixth of June, in Cork City. Yes, Luka it is indeed. Laura, the Canadian girl is going to accompany us that night as well. Already looking forward to it. Will be great fun. But first his show in Brussels of course. Am going home next Saturday. My little godchild is still enjoying the save existence of her mother’s womb, but at the latest Tuesday the little one will have to make the big step. Can’t wait to hold her, to meet her. She’s keeping us waiting for the last three weeks, we are all way too nervous, expecting her every moment. Think she has at least one characteristic in common with her mum; it looks like she is a small stubborn one, doing the things only when she feels like doing them.
Back to the John Spillane show. Was in Cork Opera House. Second time I went to a gig there. Saw Christy Moore and Luka Bloom there last summer. Thomas and I had a seat on the second row, right in the middle. Perfect. As always in Ireland, the show started a little later than it was supposed to. The gig was sold out. John Spillane, the Cork man was playing a home game. The audience was quite young, in their twenties and thirties. The more “fashionable” class of Cork. As soon as John appeared on stage, he got their attention for a hundred percent. He started the show with some ‘fairly depressing songs’ and switched over to some happier ones after that. Between the songs he took the time to tell about himself and his songs. He did that in such a peculiar way, with a very explicit Cork accent that you just had to laugh. When I asked my colleague Bill earlier that week what John is about he just said: “he is soooo funny”. And funny he was indeed. Beside a great musician this guy definitely is a stand up comedian as well. That’s for sure. He brought a lot of ‘mystery guests’ with him. Amongst them also an actor. He read a very funny (although dramatic as well) story about a carpenter making his own coffin. Because of that, the first part of the show was a bit like a cabaret. I wasn’t bored for one second. John definitely knows how to set up a show. After a short break, in which Thomas bought me a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, John came back and introduced his other mystery guests. A girl from Dingle named Pauline Scanlon. I was blown away hearing her doing the background vocals on ‘beautiful tears’. Was definitely a “goosebumps-moment”. There was the poet Louis De Paor, who made an impressive contribution to the tribute song to Rory Gallagher and recited some other Gaelic poets as well. I just love the sound of the Irish language. The mysterious sounds harmonize perfect with the fairy tale image of Ireland. Another guitarist as well. Can’t remember his name. Just know that he also plays in the Irish group Lunasha. Great musician. Looked a bit as James Nesbitt, the Northern-Irish actor, to me. Where the first part of the show was a varied mix between music and word, the second part was really concentrated on John’s music and his singing. The show became more intense. The way the different mystery guests accompanied him, was sublime. It is no wonder though that John couldn’t finish his show without a standing ovation, an encore, another standing ovation, another encore ‘just for the craic’ and a final standing ovation. Great stuff. John and the other musicians enchanted the audience for almost three hours. Had a great time. As I was suffering a serious cold last week, Thomas and I just went home after the show. I didn’t feel like going for a drink. Felt quite bad actually. But am healthy again now. Ready to see my little niece.