Am in Charleroi-Airport. Feel like crying. Just can’t believe it….my flight is delayed for at least 50 minutes. Which means I won’t make it in time to Heuston-Station to catch the last train to Cork. Don’t really know what to do now. Don’t feel like spending another night at the airport. Have to work tomorrow. Am already exhausted.
I definitely learned my lesson: no more surprise visits home anymore. Because this delay is actually just an apotheosis of a trip turning out so different than I imagined it to be, when I booked my flight in August.
Weeks and weeks I was picturing myself getting home on Friday night, ringing the doorbell with a huge bunch of flowers, to surprise my mum for her birthday. Just couldn’t wait to see her face….my hell of a trip turned out slightly different though.
First, there was the General Strike. Reading Belgian newspapers all week, anxious to get stuck in Charleroi, as public transport was going to be down. Never really thought they would cancel my flight though. Till I phoned Ryanair Thursday afternoon to find out they actually did…Lucky enough they rescheduled the flight to the next morning; without any extra charges. Leaving on Saturday at 6.30h. No other possibility than spending the night at Dublin airport. They should put extra benches over there; ‘cause trying to get some sleep on just one seat is desperate. Didn’t sleep a wink. But the plane got there in time anyway. Arrived in Charleroi around nine in the morning. Where my dad picked me up…had to tell him about the surprise earlier because I just couldn’t make the effort after that long night to sit on the train for another two hours. Before driving home, we visited Anaïs and Janne. The big smile I got from my godchild definitely made it all worthwhile. The frustrations, disappointments, tiredness.
We arrived home around noon. Found my mum…on the couch…with her finger all bandaged. She was surprise to see me…I hope. But we didn’t really had the chance to enjoy it…as she was on her way to E.R. For the finger. It was all swollen and she had a red stripe on her arm…an infection. Happened the day before. One of our cats, Lancelot, had troubles with his kidneys, so my mum rang the vet. She was holding Lancelot, while the vet was examining him. He must have pushed on a very painful place, ‘cause in a self-defensive reflex Lancelot bit the nearest finger he saw. Which happened to be my mum’s. Mum to her G.P. so, to renew her tetanus injection and get antibiotics. But looking at her finger next morning, it didn’t really seem effective. To the E.R. so. I was going to take a shower in the meantime. Plan was to go to shopping afterwards…sounded nice….didn’t it?
Had take my shower, prepared lunch, just waiting for my mum. Till we got a call from my dad. They were going to keep my mum at the hospital. Diagnose: lymphangitis, a difficult word for blood poisoning. Serious infection, pretty dangerous actually….can be fatal if you don’t go to hospital in time....Bad luck indeed that Lancelot’s body contained the dangerous bacteria. Instead of shopping in Antwerp city, I found myself at University Hospital that afternoon, visiting my mum.
Initially we got the impression she would only have to stay for the night. Were we wrong again. Sunday morning the verdict was staying till Monday, a bit later they said at least five days. Saw my whole weekend being ruined. Just couldn’t bear the thought I would only have seen my mum in hospital. So I changed my flight. To Thursday night. Just so we would have the chance to go for lunch, just mum and I, before I had to leave. Was I wrong again. Had to say goodbye to her today….in the hospital. It is only tomorrow they’ll let her go. Never got the chance to take her out for lunch. Am disappointed about it of course.
I of course enjoyed the week at home as much as possible. Had a great night out on Saturday. And another one yesterday. Although I nearly had to cancel that one as well. My youngest sister Nina was cycling to music school last night and hurt herself when a tree branch she hadn’t seen in the dark, got into her eye. I cycled to the school as fast as possible, she was all in tears. Just couldn’t leave her like that at home. Especially because she was so good all week, helping me out with house holding. It was only when she convinced me she –still in tears- was going to be all right on her own, I left eventually. Was late for the first half of the Switzerland-Ireland soccer game, but rest of evening was great (although Ireland didn’t make it for the World Cup 2006). My parents think I’m completely brainwashed…spending the two evenings in Antwerp City in Irish Pubs. It just happened to be like that…Can’t help it.
As said, I did enjoy the week and greater part of that is because of my youngest sister Nina. Fair play to her. Hadn’t seen her for more than half a year. She changed an awful lot. From now on I’m the smallest from all siblings. Nina overtook me as well ( although she is eleven !!!!!!!!!!! years younger). Quite a shock. She was great. Helped me. Always in a good mood. Respect. She’s going to a Top Sport School in Antwerp. Selected for an intensive volleyball training. She is doing very well. Has long days, leaving the house at quarter to seven every morning. I couldn’t do it. Nina, thanks for a great week. Looking forward hearing from you in your next letter.
Well, am still waiting for the plane…not knowing yet what to do tonight. Am not sure Alex, my boss, will really appreciate it when I call him to tell I’m not coming into work tomorrow. Because I have to spend another night at the airport. I just can’t afford to get a taxi into Dublin, book a hostel and another taxi to Heuston-Station tomorrow. This trip was already more expensive than planned.
Sunday afternoon. Did indeed spend that night at Dublin airport. After calling Alex and Bill. They seemed pretty all right with it. Oef. I of course didn’t sleep at all. Just couldn’t find a good position to fall asleep. My stomach ached as well. Couldn’t get to Heuston-Station early enough. I should have taken a proper look on the train schedule….First train from to Dublin to Cork was 5.30h….on Mondays only. Why the hell don’t they put that a bit bigger in the brochures. Taking a taxi, arriving at the station way too early, standing outside (!!!!) in freezing weather for more than half an hour. Finally doors of the station open….was way too quite over there….there was actually no one there, except me and a creepy old man. Found out the first train on all days, except Mondays is only at 7.10h. Had to spend another hour and half in an icy, deserted station….Got on the train eventually. Don’t remember too much from the drive to Cork. Just that they had some troubles starting the train….but didn’t even realise it really….couldn’t care about it any more. Was back home around eleven. Straight to bed. Slept till about six. Woke up….bit confused about where I exactly I was. Found out all my housemates were out for the weekend. Looked like it was going to be a long boring weekend. Spend the weekend acclimatize to Ireland again. From tomorrow on I throw myself in Irish life again. Today I’ll give myself some to time to write some letters to family and friends…after that only English. No more brooding about last week and how disappointed I am about the way it turned out. Next four months I’ll focus on Irish life, try to find a job for after February, so that I can stay till next summer.