Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Dublin and the arrival training: day one

It's 12.40 at night. I'm in the Marino Institute of Education for my on arrival training. Dublin it is. We have free internet here. Great stuff. No Irish students, as it is a holiday. Only us, EVSers. Just back from the pub (it's monday evening, so they close early). First day here was ok. Although I think the training is gonna be a bit boring for the rest. First "night"activity was bowling. Not really Irish. First time I did it. And......beat all they others (think I'm a natural talent) But the people are nice.

Spend the weekend in Cahir with Ruth and her French friend Alex. It's a bit akward to write about it today, cause Ruth is sitting next to me. But I definitely had a great time. A wild night in the pub. Just a local one. Was great fun. Met some nice people (sometimes it is indeed an advantage to live in a one-horse town, as it is really easy to meet other people). For the first time I experienced the "closing-pub-time" with the national anthem. I read about it in a lot of tourist guides and stuff, but never experienced it myself. But they did indeed in Cahir. And they were really serious about it. 't Was definitely not for the tourist. Around one o clock every one stood up and with their hands on their back when they started singing. Even the most drunk people looked well enough to do so. Great experience. Most people left afterwards, but I think it was already four when we did as well. Through a side entrance, after one of the girls watched if there were no guarda passing. Really funny.
The moving thing to Cork went quite well. Only living there for one short week, but I already start to feel at home there. Live with other international people. The Norwegian one is a bit weird, euh....yes nerd...but the others are nice. One girl from Canada. We spend Saint Patrick's day together. And Ruth and Alex came to Cork as well. Was a bit dissapointed about the Parade. But the athmosphere in the pubs was great. I always thought my name was boring, but as I always got compliments from Irish people (boys) because of my name, I don't have another choice than just start liking it myself. Hihihi.
So far for now. Not really sober at the moment. As soon as I have some time, I'll put some other pictures on the net. Hope to hear you all soon (especially the Leuven Kliek was a bit quite so far).