Monday, April 25, 2005

Little cousin

For those who asked: still no little cousin. Anais is suffering false contractions for the last couple of weeks. Her gynaecologist told her two weeks ago that it could be there any day now. She (and the rest of us) got really excited by that news. I nearly slept last week. Just because of the nerves. Last friday still no little girl. So the gynaecologist told Anais to induce the labor on tuesday, which is tomorrow. Tuesday big day, that's what we thought.This morning Anais called her gynaecologist again, she will not induce till next week. AAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Think my sister is getting mad. And my mum and I as well. Am only in Belgium for a couple of days and will be very frustrating if my little godchild isn't born when I arrive Saturday.

Fingers crossed it is for (one of) next day(s).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are more nervous then your sister :-)
Breath in breath out Sas otherwise you will not be able to make it to Belgium.
Looking forward seeing you again!