Tuesday, December 06, 2005


It’s the sixth of December today. Sinterklaas-day so. Used to be all excited by it as a kid…and euh…still am a bit…apparently they never heard of such a think in Ireland, nor in New-Zealand, Canada, Norway, France or even….SPAIN!!!!!

Told my housemates about it. I’m thinking of surprising the girls when Bili and Joos are over here. Asked them to bring some chocolate and stuff. Am looking forward to it.

Went for a drink last night with some Spanish friends. When I came back around twelve, I noticed that one of my shoes was gone…was all pissed of…thought one of the guys did that….but it was actually in front of my room…with a nice little letter from one of my housemates in it…I did had a bit of Sinterklaas so :-D
(looking forward to see the Liverpool-Chelsea game and a Christy Moore-tribute band tonight)

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